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MP Leicester East

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My Promise

The mission of a Member of Parliament (MP) includes several key responsibilities and objectives aimed at serving their constituents and the nation. The primary missions of an MP are:



MPs represent the interests and concerns of their constituents in the House of Commons. This involves listening to the people's views in their constituency, addressing their issues, and advocating in parliamentary debates and discussions.



MPs play a crucial role in the legislative process. They scrutinise, debate, and vote on proposed laws (bills). MPs can also propose new laws and amendments to existing legislation.



MPs are responsible for holding the government to account. They do this by questioning government ministers, participating in committees, and investigating how public funds are being used. This oversight helps ensure transparency, accountability, and efficiency in government operations.


Constituency Work

MPs provide support and assistance to their constituents with various issues, such as problems with government services, benefits, housing, and immigration. They hold regular surgeries (meetings) where constituents can raise concerns directly.


Public Engagement

MPs engage with the public to explain government policies, gather feedback, and educate citizens about the parliamentary process. This engagement helps foster a better understanding of political and legislative matters among the public.


Policy Influence

MPs contribute to developing party policies and national strategies by participating in party meetings, policy forums, and public consultations. They use their knowledge and expertise to shape policies that reflect the needs and aspirations of their constituents and the country.



MPs often champion specific causes or issues within their constituency and national level. This can involve working with interest groups, charities, and other organizations to promote and support various social, economic, and environmental initiatives.


By fulfilling these missions, MPs help ensure that the democratic system functions effectively, representing the will of the people and contributing to the governance and development of the UK.

My Message




My Message

Volunteer with me

Why Volunteer for Our Campaign?

Volunteering for our campaign is an opportunity to be at the forefront of creating a brighter future for Leicester East. Your involvement is crucial in driving the change our community needs. Here are compelling reasons to join our team:


Be a Voice for Change

By volunteering, you amplify the voices of Leicester East residents. Our campaign is committed to listening to the issues that matter most to our community and addressing them through appropriate channels. Your efforts will ensure that every concern is heard and acted upon.

Make a Direct Impact

Your participation directly influences the outcome of this election and the future of Leicester East. Whether it’s through canvassing or assisting with events, every task you undertake helps build a stronger, more connected community.


Learn and Grow

Volunteering offers a unique opportunity to develop new skills and gain valuable experience. You'll work alongside passionate individuals, learn about political processes, and enhance your communication and organisational abilities. It's an excellent stepping stone for anyone interested in community service or a future in politics.


Support a Vision for a Better Future

Our campaign is dedicated to fostering a thriving, inclusive, and responsive community. We aim to address local issues with effective solutions and ensure that Leicester East prospers. By volunteering, you become a part of this transformative journey, helping to build a better future for all.


Volunteering for our campaign is not just about supporting a candidate; it’s about championing the needs and aspirations of Leicester East. Your contribution can make a significant difference. Together, we can achieve meaningful change and create a better future for our community.

Join us today and be a part of something truly impactful. Let's work together to make Leicester East the best it can be.

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